"Anyone is a Potential Werewolf, Under Emotional Stress Civilized human qualities regress to basic animal reaction, and a threshold of potential physical change is reached. -- Anton LaVey, The Devil's Notebook. The Midnight Moon represents the Invisible Beast we keep hidden deep inside ourselves, only visible...
- from $14.00
- from $14.00
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"Anyone is a Potential Werewolf, Under Emotional Stress Civilized human qualities regress to basic animal reaction, and a threshold of potential physical change is reached. -- Anton LaVey, The Devil's Notebook. The Eclipsed Moon represents the Beast we keep hidden away inside ourselves, eclipsed, ready...
- from $14.00
- from $14.00
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"Anyone is a Potential Werewolf, Under Emotional Stress Civilized human qualities regress to basic animal reaction, and a threshold of potential physical change is reached. -- Anton LaVey, The Devil's Notebook. Officially Licensed Church of Satan Baphomet Cloisonné Medallions in our specially crafted Antique...
- from $14.00
- from $14.00
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"Anyone is a Potential Werewolf, Under Emotional Stress Civilized human qualities regress to basic animal reaction, and a threshold of potential physical change is reached. -- Anton LaVey, The Devil's Notebook. Officially Licensed Church of Satan Baphomet Cloisonné Medallions in our specially crafted Antique...
- from $14.00
- from $14.00
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"Anyone is a Potential Werewolf, Under Emotional Stress Civilized human qualities regress to basic animal reaction, and a threshold of potential physical change is reached. -- Anton LaVey, The Devil's Notebook. Officially Licensed Church of Satan Baphomet Cloisonné Medallions in our specially crafted Antique Sandblasted...
- from $14.00
- from $14.00
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